• You will not rush me. GFXs, (Especially scene GFXs) take time. Finding the right pose, background and props is what takes the most time for me. (Though it can vary from creator to creator)

  • You will not buy any of the shirts unless I specifically say you can. Buying them without my permission will result in a refund, no tax included.

  • If you are rude to me, your order will be cancelled and I will not allow you to order from me again.

  • Even if it's not directly to my face, trash talking me, whether it's on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Discord, etc, will result in you not being able to order from me.

  • If you guilt trip me, I will not let you order from me again. This includes saying things like "I'm subscribed to you, why won't you make me a free GFX?" or, "You sounded so nice, I can't believe you would cancel my order, all I did was ask when it was gonna be done eight times!"

  • After you are given the product, claiming it as your own will result in you being reported and you will not be able to order from me again.

  • Impersonating me will result in you being reported and blocked. You will also not be able to order from me.

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